Explore Your Vault: Dynamic Menu Options

Modified on: Fri, 4 Oct, 2024 at 2:30 PM

The main menu of a vault or portal could change depending of your role, permissions or even the features available in the system.  You can collapse or expand the left menu to gain more space using the arrows on the top right corner of the main menu at any time :

Expand and Collapse main menu using the arrows on the top inside corner

Basic tabs on a menu inside a vault:

Company tab / First tab

Area that welcome the vault owner and where they can find all the company folders expanded, a welcome image and any checklist assigned (if applicable). Also a Side Panel could be available with quick article or resources link.

Company tab / First tab

Document tab

Users can collapse and expand this tab to find more options:Documents collapsible menu with options

All Documents

Section where all folders type are displayed, and user can change their 'View Options' preference, do a dynamic visualization of files based on 'Entities'  (id applicable) or do 'Advance Filters'

All Documents tab - mix of all folders


Section where vault owners can find their unique inbound email and all documents that were sent via this feature. If the client has Premium vault, then you can saved document directly to this area and saved it later. If you have an Essential vault, they will be only able to find documents sent via the inbound email address, but can't saved files directly to this area. By default administrative user don't have access to this section. Vault owners and Full Access Collaborators can add additional access to collaborators to this section. 

User with access to this area will still be able to search for documents in this location, if they don't have access then the search won't show any result. 

Unfiled tab - access the inbound email of a vault and all files that have been sent to that email or manually uploaded to the Unfiled section.


Find all the documents that you have share with others via encrypted link and the ones have been share with you by other vaults owners inside the same portal. You can get an overview if when was share the document and with who, you can even click on the document to remove their access. Access to all File Upload Request Links created and shared inside a vault.

Shared Tab - All documents user has shared with other via encrypted link, files it has received or file upload request links created.


A consolidate view of all documents that have an 'Expiration' date added on the Side Panel. Users can 'Resolved' the Expiration dates on the files, and remove the file from this list when a new documents is added.

Expiring Tab - all files with expiration date inside a vault


Find all the documents that have been deleted inside a vault, users can 'Restore' them from here, Open, download and depending or their role will be able to permanent 'Delete' them from the vault.

Deleted tab - restore or permanently delete files inside a vault depending on your role.


Section inside the vault were the vault owner or some Collaborators can see the full list of all reminders created on each document or can create stand alone reminders.

Reminder tab - a list of all reminders attached to a file or stand alone


Section inside the vault were vault owners, manager and administrative users can create contacts and manage their permissions. Depending on their portal settings, they may see two inside tabs: Collaborators and Users. 

Contacts Tab - Manage all contacts inside a vault and provided access

Under the 'Collaborators'tab they will be a list will of all the contacts that have been created inside the vault. When a contact is created by an administrative user a label "Created by Company User" will be added plus any extra contact type (Full Access, Trusted Collaborator). 

Under the 'User' tab will display all administrative users created under that portal (if enabled)

This Contacts section can be used as a small personal CRM for the vault owner or co-owner. Select 'Edit Permission' to defined their access. You can identified your relationship, add extra information, associate the contact with a documents without giving them access to the vault or entities. Click on Contact Type to filter by Trusted Collaborator, Full Access, Contact, etc. Under View Options, you can see an overview of the total documents associated or shared via encrypted link.

Checklist (when assigned)

In this tab user will be able to see a list of checklist assigned to the vault. Double-click on the name to access. User can upload one or multiple per item and must marked the status as completed once all requested files are completed. Under 'Action' click 'Upload A Document'. You can assigned a contact to do the upload on your behalf but they must be active and have access the folder where the files will be stored.

Checklist Tab - list of all checklist assigned to a vault

Quick Links (when assigned)

Your vault provider could give the vault a list of external links to access other portal or website for quick access.  The list is being provided as a courtesy. By clicking these links, you leave FutureVault branded portal. We are not responsible for the content, accuracy, or any issues arising from your use of these third-party sites.

Quick Links - external links to other portals or sites

Help & Support

Users can collapse and expand this tab to find more options by clicking in the arrow:

Help & Support collapsible menu with options

What's New

Get information about new features, system enhancements and bug fixes. A bubble with the number of new items will be displayed on the 'What's New' section and it will disappear ones a user open this section. You can use the labels on the top to filter by topics.

What's New - List of new features, improvements, bug fixes, etc..


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