Introducing Vault Types for Your Clients (v5.4.0)

Modified on: Tue, 30 Jul, 2024 at 5:26 PM

Unlock Efficiency: Introducing Vault Types for Administrators - Seamlessly organize clients with new TAG and VAULT NAME columns, streamlining management and customization for Individuals, Households, and Organizations, with more enhancements on the horizon</div>

We are excited to introduce Vault Types. For any Admin users managing Vaults, you will notice a few changes in your User and Client Lists, including two new columns: TAG and VAULT NAME. The TAG column identifies the type of Vault: Individual, Household, or Organization. The VAULT NAME column displays the name of the Household or Organization, separating the name of the Vault from the primary contact associated with the Vault to streamline organization and naming.

Currently, all existing Vaults will be tagged and set as Individuals. However, you can easily update and convert the type of Vault to a Household or Organization at any time. 

Additionally, more enhancements including filters and search functionality on Vault Types will be coming soon. 

What are the Different Vault Types and How Do They Work?

As an administrative user in FutureVault, you now have access to different types of Vaults as a way to help you better organize your Vaults/Clients within the platform. When manually creating a Vault, Admin Users have three options available:

1. Individual Vault: A Vault dedicated to managing information and documents for a specific individual.

2. Household Vault: A Vault dedicated to managing and organizing documents within a household for two or more people as a way to keep family information and data secure and in one place. Please note that the Vault Name will be used on the email invitation to external Trusted Collaborators. You will also need to assign and designate a Primary Contact for this Vault.

3. Organization Vault: If your client is a business or an organization, you can improve the way the organization's information is stored, exchanged, and managed. Similar to Household Vaults, a Primary Contact for the Vault will need to be defined along with selecting the type of Entity for the Default Entity. 

Add New Vault for Individual, Households or Organizations.

How Can I Change the Type of Existing Client Vaults?

If you are an existing FutureVault customer and Admin user with Client Vaults already created, all Client Vault will currently be set as 'Individuals'. However, Vault Types can easily be changed following these steps below: 

1. Right-click on the Vault or select the Vault and click on Actions

2. Select the option Convert Tag.

3. Choose the new Tag.

4. For an Organization Vault Type, you must select the default Entity Type.

5. Update the Household / Organization Name. The system will concatenate the current First Name and Last Name

6. Click Save.

Video about how to convert tag to change the vault type.How Can I Update the Primary Contact of a Vault?

If you have just finished changing the Vault Type and are looking to also update the Primary Contact of the Vault to ensure the contact is displayed, please follow these steps: 

1. Select the Vault and right-click or click on Actions.

2. Click on Edit.

3. Update the Primary Contact Name and Last Name.

4. Click Save.

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