Change your Primary Email

Modified on: Tue, 4 Mar, 2025 at 12:46 PM

If you would like to change the email that you normally use to log in, you will need to go to the Account Settings and make the changes in your Security tab.

Info! Only the account owner can perfomed this action onces their account is active.

Step-by-step guide:

Step 1: After logging into the vault, click on the name at the top right corner.

Step 2: Select Account Settings.

Step 3: Click on the Security tab.

Step 4: Under the Primary Email section, add your current email, add the new email, re-type to confirm, and click Save.

  • The system will ask for your password to confirm this action and it will send a PIN to the new email. 
  • Please note that the pin expires after 60 minutes.
  • A pop-up message will confirm that the PIN number has been sent.

Step 5: Confirm this action with you password and add the PIN Number and click Continue.

You will be automatically logout, and the system will ask you to re-log in using the new email and your regular password.

Attention! If you have a role combination as Administrator or Representative please contact your Head Office you may not be authorize to do this change on your end.

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